Ash Heap Meaning in Nepali: राख ढुङ्गा, राख ढुङ्गा, राख ढुङ्गा, राख ढुङ्गा, राख ढुङ्गा
Nearby Words:
Noun: राख, ढुङ्गा, ढुङ्गा, ढुङ्गा, ढुङ्गा
Verb: ढुङ्गाउनु, ढुङ्गाउनु, ढुङ्गाउनु, ढुङ्गाउनु, ढुङ्गाउनु
Part of Speech of Ash Heap:
Pronunciation of Ash Heap:
(ash heep)
Ash Heap Synonyms:
1. Garbage pile – कचराको ढुङ्गा
2. Rubbish heap – कचराको ढुङ्गा
3. Trash pile – कचराको ढुङ्गा
4. Waste mound – कचराको ढुङ्गा
5. Debris pile – कचराको ढुङ्गा
6. Junk heap – कचराको ढुङ्गा
Description and Origination of Ash Heap:
An ash heap refers to a pile or mound of ashes, typically resulting from the burning of waste or debris. It is a common sight in areas where garbage is burned or where fires have occurred. The term “ash heap” originated from the combination of the words “ash” and “heap,” describing the accumulation of ashes in a pile. Ash heaps can be found in various contexts, such as landfills, incinerators, or even in the aftermath of a fire.
1. Clean – सफा
2. Clear – स्पष्ट
3. Neat – सुन्दर
4. Tidy – ठाउँठाउँ
5. Organized – अनुक्रमित
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