Artiste Meaning in Nepali
In Nepali, the word “artiste” can be translated into several meanings. Some of the Nepali meanings of “artiste” include कलाकार (kalakar), कलाकारिणी (kalakarini), कलाकारा (kalakara), कलाकार्ता (kalakarta), and कलाकारिता (kalakarita). These words are all nouns and refer to a person who is skilled in a particular form of art, such as painting, music, dance, or acting.
Part of Speech of Artiste
The part of speech of “artiste” is a noun.
Pronunciation of Artiste
The pronunciation of “artiste” in Nepali is [ahr-teest].
Artiste Synonyms
Some synonyms of “artiste” in English include artist, performer, entertainer, actor, actress, and musician. The Nepali translations for these synonyms are कलाकार (kalakar), प्रदर्शक (pradarshak), मनोरञ्जक (manoranjak), अभिनेता (abhineta), अभिनेत्री (abhinetri), and संगीतकार (sangitkar) respectively.
Some antonyms of “artiste” in English include audience, spectator, viewer, listener, and observer. The Nepali translations for these antonyms are दर्शक (darshak), दर्शका (darshaka), दर्शकी (darshaki), श्रोता (shrota), and दर्शक (darshak) respectively.
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