Artful Meaning in Nepali: कलात्मक, कलात्मक, कलात्मक, कलात्मक, कलात्मक
Nearby Words:
Noun: कला, कलाकार, कलाकारी, कलाकृति, कलाकृतिका
Adjective: कलात्मक, कलात्मक, कलात्मक, कलात्मक, कलात्मक
Part of Speech:
Artful Synonyms:
1. Crafty – चालाक
2. Cunning – चालाक
3. Deceptive – धोखेबाज
4. Ingenious – बुद्धिमान
5. Shrewd – चतुर
6. Sly – चालाक
Description and Origination of Artful:
Artful is an adjective that describes someone who is skilled in a craft or art, often with a cunning or deceptive nature. It originated from the Middle English word “artefull,” which meant “skilled in a craft or trade.” In Nepali, artful can be translated as “कलात्मक,” which also signifies someone who possesses artistic skills or is crafty in nature.
1. Honest – ईमानदार
2. Genuine – वास्तविक
3. Sincere – ईमानदार
4. Straightforward – सीधा
5. Transparent – पारदर्शी
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