
Artesian Meaning in Nepali: अर्तेसियन (noun), अर्तेसियन (adjective)

Nearby Words:

Noun: अर्तेसियन, जलस्रोत, जलधारा

Adjective: अर्तेसियन, जलस्रोतिय

Part of Speech:

Noun, Adjective



Artesian Synonyms:

1. Wellspring – जलस्रोत

2. Fountain – जलधारा

3. Geyser – जलधारा

4. Spring – जलस्रोत

5. Spout – जलधारा

6. Source – जलस्रोत

Description and Origination:

Artesian, meaning “relating to wells,” originated from the Artois region in France. It refers to an underground water source that is under pressure, causing it to rise to the surface without the need for pumping. This natural phenomenon is commonly found in areas where an impermeable layer of rock or clay traps the water, creating a confined aquifer. The pressure forces the water to flow upwards, creating artesian wells. These wells provide a reliable source of water for various purposes, such as irrigation and drinking.


1. Dry – सूखो

2. Dehydrated – निर्जल

3. Parched – तपाईंले

4. Arid – शुष्क

5. Barren – बंजर

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