Artefacts Meaning in Nepali: नेपालीमा आदिवासी वस्त्र, सांस्कृतिक वस्त्र, प्राचीन वस्त्र, कला वस्त्र, ऐतिहासिक वस्त्र
Nearby Words:
Noun: वस्त्र (clothing), वस्त्रालय (boutique), वस्त्रकोष (wardrobe), वस्त्रधारी (wearer of clothes)
Adjective: वस्त्रित (clothed), वस्त्रित गर्नु (to clothe), वस्त्रित हुनु (to be clothed)
Part of Speech of Artefacts:
Pronunciation of Artefacts:
Artefacts Synonyms:
1. Objects (वस्तुहरू)
2. Relics (अवशेष)
3. Artifacts (कलाकृतिहरू)
4. Antiquities (प्राचीनताहरू)
5. Treasures (संग्रहीत)
6. Remains (अवशेष)
Description and Origination of Artefacts:
Artefacts, also known as artifacts, are objects made or modified by humans that have historical, cultural, or artistic significance. They provide valuable insights into the past and are often preserved in museums or archaeological sites. Artefacts can include tools, pottery, jewelry, clothing, and more. They are a testament to human creativity and ingenuity throughout history.
1. Natural (प्राकृतिक)
2. Organic (जैविक)
3. Raw (कच्चा)
4. Unprocessed (अप्रसंस्कृत)
5. Untouched (अस्पर्शित)
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