Arrays Meaning in Nepali: अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे (noun)
Nearby Words:
Noun: अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे
Verb: अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे
Adjective: अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे, अॅरे
Part of Speech of Arrays:
Pronunciation of Arrays:
Arrays Synonyms:
1. Collection – संग्रह
2. Group – समूह
3. Series – श्रृंखला
4. Assortment – विविधता
5. Array – अॅरे
6. Lineup – पंक्ति
Description and Origination of Arrays:
An array is a data structure that stores a fixed-size sequence of elements of the same type. It is commonly used in computer programming to organize and manipulate data efficiently. Arrays provide a way to store multiple values under a single variable name, making it easier to access and process the data. The concept of arrays originated in the field of computer science and has since become a fundamental concept in programming languages.
1. Disarray – अव्यवस्था
2. Disorder – अनुक्रमणिका
3. Chaos – अव्यवस्था
4. Confusion – भ्रम
5. Randomness – अनियमितता
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