
Archetypal Meaning in Nepali: आदिम, मूल, प्राचीन, प्राथमिक, मूलप्राणी, आदिमप्राणी

Nearby Words:

Noun: archetype (मूलरूप), archetypist (मूलरूपविद), archetypology (मूलरूपविज्ञान)

Adjective: archetypical (मूलप्राणीको), archetypic (मूलप्राणीको)

Part of Speech of Archetypal:


Pronunciation of Archetypal:


Archetypal Synonyms:

1. Classic – शास्त्रीय

2. Model – आदर्श

3. Prototype – प्रोटोटाइप

4. Exemplary – आदर्शवान

5. Original – मूल

6. Typical – आम

Archetypal refers to something that is considered a perfect or typical example of its kind. It is an adjective that describes the original or fundamental nature of something. In Nepali, archetypal can be translated as आदिम, मूल, प्राचीन, प्राथमिक, मूलप्राणी, or आदिमप्राणी.

Some nearby words related to archetypal include archetype, archetypist, and archetypology. Archetype refers to the original form or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or based. Archetypist is a person who studies or specializes in archetypes, and archetypology is the study of archetypes.

Archetypal is pronounced as “ahr-ki-tahy-puhl.”

Synonyms of archetypal in English include classic, model, prototype, exemplary, original, and typical. In Nepali, these synonyms can be translated as शास्त्रीय, आदर्श, प्रोटोटाइप, आदर्शवान, मूल, and आम respectively.

For more information and detailed definitions, you can refer to the following sources: