Argus-eyed Meaning in Nepali: अर्गस-आँखा, अत्यन्त सतर्क, चक्षुष्मती, नेत्रबाणी, नेत्रदानी
Nearby Words:
Noun: Argus, Argus pheasant, Argusianus, Argusianus argus, Argus pheasant, Argusianus argus
Adjective: Argus-eyed
Part of Speech:
Argus-eyed Synonyms:
Watchful (सतर्क), Vigilant (जागरूक), Observant (सतर्क), Alert (चेतावनीपूर्ण), Attentive (ध्यानदारी), Perceptive (सुविचारशील)
Description and Origination of Argus-eyed:
Argus-eyed is an adjective that describes someone who is extremely watchful and observant. The term originates from Greek mythology, specifically the story of Argus Panoptes, a giant with a hundred eyes. In the story, Argus was known for his vigilance and ability to see everything. The term “argus-eyed” has since been used to describe someone who is similarly watchful and attentive.
Unobservant (असतर्क), Inattentive (अध्यान नदिएको), Careless (लापरवाही), Negligent (लापरवाही), Oblivious (अनजान)
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