
Arguably Meaning in Nepali

Arguably, meaning in Nepali can be translated as वादसम्प्रदायवादी रूपमा, विवादास्पद रूपमा, विवादास्पदताको दृष्टिबिन्दुबाट, विवादास्पदताको दृष्टिबिन्दुबाट, विवादास्पदताको दृष्टिबिन्दुबाट, and विवादास्पदताको दृष्टिबिन्दुबाट.

Nearby Words

  • Argument (noun) – वाद
  • Argue (verb) – वाद गर्नु
  • Arguer (noun) – वादगार
  • Arguable (adjective) – वादसम्प्रदायवादी
  • Arguably (adverb) – वादसम्प्रदायवादी रूपमा

Part of Speech: Adverb

Pronunciation: (ahr-gyoo-uh-blee)

Arguably Synonyms

  • Debatable – विवादास्पद
  • Controversial – विवादास्पद
  • Questionably – संदेहास्पद
  • Possibly – संभावित
  • Arguably – वादसम्प्रदायवादी रूपमा
  • Perhaps – शायद

Arguably, meaning in Nepali refers to something that is open to debate or dispute. It is an adverb that is used to introduce a statement or argument that may not be universally accepted. The word “arguably” originated from the verb “argue” and the suffix “-ly,” which is used to form adverbs. It is commonly used in discussions, essays, and debates to acknowledge that there are different perspectives or opinions on a particular topic.


  • Undoubtedly – निस्संदेह
  • Certainly – निस्संदेह
  • Unquestionably – निस्संदेह
  • Definitely – निस्संदेह
  • Clearly – स्पष्ट रूपमा

For more information on the meaning and usage of “arguably,” you can refer to,, or

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