arcs Meaning in Nepali: आर्कहरू, वक्र, वक्ररेखा, वक्रीय, वक्रीयता
Nearby Words:
Noun: curve (वक्र), bend (मोड), arch (वृत्ताकार), bow (धनुष), crescent (अर्धचन्द्र)
Verb: bend (मोड्नु), flex (झुकाउनु), curve (वक्र बनाउनु), arch (वृत्ताकार बनाउनु), bow (धनुष बनाउनु)
Part of Speech of arcs:
Pronunciation of arcs:
Arcs Synonyms:
curve, bend, arch, bow, crescent
(वक्र, मोड, वृत्ताकार, धनुष, अर्धचन्द्र)
Arcs are curved lines or shapes that are part of a circle. They are often used in mathematics, architecture, and design. In Nepali, arcs are known as आर्कहरू, वक्र, वक्ररेखा, वक्रीय, वक्रीयता. They can be nouns or verbs, depending on how they are used in a sentence. The pronunciation of arcs is (ahrks). Some synonyms for arcs include curve, bend, arch, bow, and crescent. Arcs have been used since ancient times and can be found in various historical structures and artworks. To learn more about arcs, you can visit,, or