Alloy Steel
Meaning in Nepali: अल्लोय स्टिल
Pronunciation: (अलॉय स्टील)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Steel (noun): इस्पात
- Metal (noun): धातु
- Alloy (noun): मिश्रधातु
- Iron (noun): लोहा
- Carbon (noun): कार्बन
- Blended Steel
- Mixed Metal
- Composite Steel
- Fused Alloy
- Combined Iron
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Alloy steel refers to a type of steel that contains additional elements apart from iron and carbon. These elements are added to enhance specific properties such as strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance. In Nepali, alloy steel is known as “अल्लोय स्टिल” (pronounced as “अलॉय स्टील”). It is classified as a noun.
Some nearby words related to alloy steel include “steel” (इस्पात), “metal” (धातु), “alloy” (मिश्रधातु), “iron” (लोहा), and “carbon” (कार्बन).
Synonyms for alloy steel include “blended steel,” “mixed metal,” “composite steel,” “fused alloy,” and “combined iron.” However, no direct antonyms were found in Nepali.
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