bad habit

Bad Habit Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings:

खराब आदत, खराब चाल, खराब रुचि

Nearby Words:

  • Bad (adj.) – खराब
  • Habit (n.) – आदत
  • Meaning (n.) – अर्थ
  • Nepali (n.) – नेपाली

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (bad hab-it)

Bad Habit Synonyms:

  • Vice – दुष्टता
  • Obsession – आवेग
  • Custom – रिति-रिवाज
  • Practice – अभ्यास
  • Routine – नियमितता
  • Pattern – प्रवृत्ति

A bad habit refers to a repetitive behavior or action that is considered undesirable or harmful. It is an action or behavior that one engages in regularly, often without conscious thought. Bad habits can range from simple actions like nail-biting or procrastination to more serious behaviors like smoking or excessive drinking.

Bad habits can originate from various factors, including environmental influences, social conditioning, or personal experiences. They can be difficult to break as they often provide temporary pleasure or relief. However, recognizing and addressing bad habits is essential for personal growth and well-being.


  • Good Habit – राम्रो आदत
  • Virtue – गुण
  • Positive Behavior – सकारात्मक व्यवहार

For more information on bad habits, you can refer to the following sources:

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