Meaning in Nepali: निलम्बन, ठप्प, विलम्ब
Pronunciation: (nilamban, thappa, vilamb)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Adjourning: निलम्बन
- Adjudge: न्यायिक निर्णय गर्नु
- Adjudicate: न्यायिक निर्णय गर्नु
- Adjust: मिलाउनु
- Adjustable: मिलाउन सकिने
- Postponement
- Delay
- Suspension
- Interruption
- Break
- Continuation (जारी)
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Adjournments refer to the act of postponing or suspending a meeting, trial, or any other official gathering to a later time or date. It is a noun and commonly used in legal and parliamentary contexts. In Nepali, adjournments can be translated as “निलम्बन,” “ठप्प,” or “विलम्ब.” The word is pronounced as “nilamban,” “thappa,” or “vilamb.” Some nearby words include “adjourning,” “adjudge,” “adjudicate,” “adjust,” and “adjustable.” Synonyms for adjournments include “postponement,” “delay,” “suspension,” “interruption,” and “break.” The antonym for adjournments is “continuation” (जारी). For further information and definitions, you can refer to,, and