



1. गर्भपात (garbhapāta): The termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable.

2. गर्भनाश (garbhanāśa): The deliberate ending of a pregnancy.

Nearby Words

1. Pregnancy (गर्भावस्था): The condition or period of being pregnant.

2. Fetus (भ्रूण): An unborn offspring of a mammal.

3. Contraception (गर्भनिरोधक उपाय): Methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy.

4. Miscarriage (गर्भपात): The spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the fetus can survive.

5. Pro-Choice (गर्भपातको अधिकार): Advocating for a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion.


1. Termination

2. Interruption

3. Evacuation

4. Expulsion

5. Cancellation


1. Birth (जन्म): The emergence of a baby from the body of its mother.

2. Delivery (प्रसव): The action of giving birth to a baby.

3. Live Birth (जीवित जन्म): The birth of a baby who shows signs of life.


For more information on “abortion,” you can visit the following links:

1. dictionary.com

2. wikipedia.org

3. thefreedictionary.com

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