Allies: Meaning in Nepali, Pronunciation, Part of Speech
Meaning in Nepali: [Nepali meaning 1], [Nepali meaning 2], [Nepali meaning 3]
Pronunciation: [Pronunciation]
Part of Speech: [Part of Speech]
Nearby Words:
- Word 1: [Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]
- Word 2: [Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]
- Word 3: [Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]
- Word 4: [Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]
- Word 5: [Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]
- [Synonym 1]
- [Synonym 2]
- [Synonym 3]
- [Synonym 4]
- [Synonym 5]
[Antonym] – [Nepali meaning]
More Information:
To find more information about the word “allies,” you can visit the following websites:
Article on “Allies” in English
Allies are individuals or groups who join together for a common purpose or goal. They provide support, assistance, and cooperation to one another. In Nepali, the word “allies” can be translated as [Nepali meaning 1], [Nepali meaning 2], [Nepali meaning 3]. The pronunciation of “allies” is [Pronunciation].
Allies is a noun, indicating a collective group of people or organizations working together. It is often used in the context of political or military alliances. Some nearby words related to allies include [Word 1] ([Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]), [Word 2] ([Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]), [Word 3] ([Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]), [Word 4] ([Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]), and [Word 5] ([Part of Speech], [Nepali meaning]).
Synonyms for allies include [Synonym 1], [Synonym 2], [Synonym 3], [Synonym 4], and [Synonym 5]. An antonym for allies is [Antonym] ([Nepali meaning]).
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