Meaning in Nepali: वायुशक्ति, हवाशक्ति
Pronunciation: (एअरपावर)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Aircraft (noun): विमान, हवाई जहाज
- Airfield (noun): वायुसेना चौकी, हवाई ठाउँ
- Airline (noun): एयरलाइन, हवाई रेखा
- Airplane (noun): विमान, हवाई जहाज
- Airspace (noun): वायुमार्ग, हवाई अवकाश
- Aerial power
- Aviation power
- Air dominance
- Air superiority
- Air might
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Airpower refers to the military capability and strategic use of aircraft and other aerial vehicles in warfare. It involves the application of air forces to achieve objectives such as gaining control of the air, supporting ground forces, and projecting power across distances. In Nepali, airpower is known as “वायुशक्ति” or “हवाशक्ति.” It is a noun and can be pronounced as “एअरपावर.”
Some nearby words related to airpower include aircraft (विमान, हवाई जहाज), airfield (वायुसेना चौकी, हवाई ठाउँ), airline (एयरलाइन, हवाई रेखा), airplane (विमान, हवाई जहाज), and airspace (वायुमार्ग, हवाई अवकाश).
Synonyms for airpower include aerial power, aviation power, air dominance, air superiority, and air might. However, no direct antonyms were found in Nepali.
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