agricultural income

Agricultural Income

Meaning in Nepali: कृषि आय (krishi aaya), कृषि उपज (krishi upaj)

Pronunciation: (krɪˈʃi ˈaɪnˌkʌm)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Farm: noun – खेतीबाडी, verb – खेती गर्नु
  • Crop: noun – फसल, verb – फसल उगाउनु
  • Harvest: noun – फसलको काट, verb – फसल काट्नु
  • Land: noun – जग्गा, verb – जग्गा खरिद गर्नु
  • Fertilizer: noun – खाद्य, verb – खाद्य लगाउनु


  • Income
  • Revenue
  • Earnings
  • Proceeds
  • Profit


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

For more information on “agricultural income,” you can visit the following websites:

Remember, agricultural income refers to the earnings or revenue generated from agricultural activities. It includes income from crop cultivation, livestock farming, and other agricultural practices. Understanding agricultural income is crucial for farmers, policymakers, and economists to analyze the contribution of the agricultural sector to the overall economy.

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