Anaconda Meaning in Bengali
Anaconda is a noun in English that refers to a large, non-venomous snake found in South America. In Bengali, it can be translated as:
- অ্যানাকন্ডা (Anakanda)
- মহাসাপ (Mahasap)
- বিশাল সাপ (Bishal Sap)
Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: /ˌanəˈkɒndə/
Nearby Words:
- 1. Python (Noun) – পাইথন, পাইথন সাপ
- 2. Serpent (Noun) – সাপ, সর্প
- 3. Reptile (Noun) – সরিষা, সাপ
Anaconda Synonyms:
- 1. Boa Constrictor – বোয়া কনস্ট্রিক্টর
- 2. Serpent – সাপ, সর্প
- 3. Python – পাইথন, পাইথন সাপ
- 4. Snake – সাপ, সর্প
- 5. Viper – বাইপার, সাপ
Description: Anaconda is a large snake species found in South America. It is known for its size and strength, capable of reaching lengths of up to 30 feet. Anacondas are non-venomous but are powerful constrictors, squeezing their prey to death before swallowing it whole. They primarily inhabit swamps, marshes, and slow-moving rivers. In Bengali, anaconda can be translated as “অ্যানাকন্ডা” or “মহাসাপ”.
- 1. Tiny – ছোট, অতি সুন্দর
- 2. Small – ছোট, অল্প
- 3. Miniature – অতি ছোট, অল্প
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