
Anacoluthon Meaning in Bengali

Anacoluthon is a term used in rhetoric to describe a grammatical construction that lacks coherence or breaks the expected structure of a sentence. It is often used to convey a sudden change in thought or a shift in the speaker’s tone. In Bengali, anacoluthon can be translated as:

  • বাক্যবিচ্ছেদ (Bakyo-bicched) – noun
  • বাক্যবিচ্ছেদকরণ (Bakyo-bicched-koron) – noun
  • বাক্যবিচ্ছেদকারী (Bakyo-bicched-kari) – adjective

Pronunciation of Anacoluthon:


Nearby Words:

  • 1. Anachronism – noun – অসময়ী বস্তু
  • 2. Analogy – noun – উপমা
  • 3. Anarchy – noun – অরাজকতা

Anacoluthon Synonyms:

  • 1. Incoherence – অসংগতি
  • 2. Discontinuity – অব্যবস্থা
  • 3. Digression – প্রসঙ্গবিচ্ছেদ
  • 4. Non sequitur – অসংগতি
  • 5. Rambling – অসংগতিপূর্ণ


Anacoluthon is a rhetorical device that adds variety and emphasis to a sentence by intentionally breaking its grammatical structure. It can be used to create a sense of surprise, confusion, or even humor. Anacoluthon is commonly found in literature, speeches, and informal conversations. It is important to note that while anacoluthon may deviate from traditional grammar rules, it is used purposefully to convey a specific effect.


  • 1. Coherence – সংগতি
  • 2. Continuity – অবিরামতা
  • 3. Consistency – সঙ্গতি

For more information, you can refer to the following sources:

  1. – Anacoluthon
  2. – Anacoluthon
  3. – Anacoluthon