
Aleatory: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Aleatory is an English word that has several meanings in Bengali. The word can be used as an adjective or a noun. The pronunciation of aleatory is /ˈeɪliəˌtɔri/.

Aleatory Synonyms

Some synonyms of aleatory are:

  • Random (এলোমেলো)
  • Chance-based (সুযোগমূলক)
  • Unpredictable (অনিয়মিত)
  • Fortuitous (আকস্মিক)

Aleatory Antonyms

Some antonyms of aleatory are:

  • Deterministic (নির্ধারণমূলক)
  • Predictable (পূর্বাভাসযোগ্য)
  • Intentional (ইচ্ছামত)
  • Planned (পরিকল্পিত)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aleatory are:

  • Chance (noun) – সুযোগ
  • Randomize (verb) – এলোমেলো করা
  • Fortune (noun) – ভাগ্য
  • Unforeseen (adjective) – অনিদর্শিত

Sentences from Newspapers

1. “The outcome of the game was purely aleatory.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022.

2. “The artist’s work is characterized by aleatory elements.” – The National Herald, 2nd June 2022.

3. “The stock market is influenced by aleatory factors.” – The Financial Express, 10th September 2022.

4. “The success of the project was dependent on aleatory events.” – The Tribune, 25th November 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: এলোমেলো, Arabic: عشوائي, Chinese: 偶然的, Tamil: ஏலியட்டரி, Urdu: اتفاقی, Telugu: ఎలియటరీ, Russian: алеаторный.

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