
Badness Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Synonyms

Badness, known as “بدی” in Urdu, refers to the quality or state of being bad or of poor quality. It can be used to describe something that is unpleasant, harmful, or morally wrong. Here are a few meanings of badness in Urdu:

  1. بدی: The quality of being bad or evil.
  2. خرابی: The state of being damaged or spoiled.
  3. ناکارہی: The lack of skill or competence.

Synonyms of Badness

Some synonyms of badness include:

  • Evilness (شر)
  • Wickedness (بدکاری)
  • Inferiority (کمی)
  • Corruption (فساد)

Badness Pronunciation

The pronunciation of badness is [bad-nis].


Here are a few antonyms of badness with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Goodness (نیکی): The quality of being good or morally right.
  • Excellence (برتری): The state of being exceptionally good or superior.
  • Virtue (فضیلت): Moral excellence or righteousness.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to badness, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Bad Adjective بُرا
Badly Adverb بُری طرح
Badminton Noun بیڈمِنٹن

Origin of the Word Badness

The word badness originated from the Middle English word “badnesse,” which is derived from the Old English word “bædnes.” It is formed by adding the suffix “-ness” to the adjective “bad.” The term has been in use since the 14th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • His badness was evident in his cruel actions. (اس کی بدی اس کے ظالمانہ اعمال میں ظاہر تھیں۔)
  • The badness of the weather ruined our plans. (موسم کی خرابی نے ہمارے منصوبوں کو خراب کر دیا۔)
  • Her badness at cooking led to a burnt dinner. (اس کی پکانے کی ناکارہی نے ایک جلی ہوئی رات کا کھانا پیدا کیا۔)

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