
Assuredness Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Synonyms

Assuredness, also known as confidence or certainty, refers to a state of being confident or sure about something. It is the feeling of trust and belief in oneself or in the reliability of someone or something. In Urdu, assuredness can be translated as “یقین” (yaqeen), “اعتماد” (aitmaad), or “بھروسہ” (bharosa).

Synonyms of Assuredness:

  • Confidence – اعتماد (aitmaad)
  • Certainty – یقین (yaqeen)
  • Trust – بھروسہ (bharosa)
  • Conviction – یقین (yaqeen)

Assuredness Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of assuredness is [uh-shoor-dn-is] in English.

Antonyms of Assuredness:

  • Doubt – شک (shak)
  • Insecurity – بے امانی (be amani)
  • Uncertainty – غیر یقینیت (ghair yaqeeniyat)
  • Suspicion – شبہ (shuba)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Assure Verb یقین دلانا (yaqeen dilana)
Assurance Noun یقین (yaqeen)
Assuring Adjective یقین دلانے والا (yaqeen dilanay wala)

Origin of the Word Assuredness:

The word “assuredness” originated from the verb “assure” which comes from the Old French word “asseurer” meaning “to assure, reassure, or make secure.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. She spoke with assuredness and convinced everyone of her abilities. (وہ یقین کے ساتھ بات کرتی تھی اور اپنی صلاحیتوں کو سب کو یقین دلاتی تھی۔)
  2. His assuredness in handling difficult situations impressed his colleagues. (مشکل حالات کو حل کرنے میں اس کا یقین دلانے کا اندازہ اس کے ساتھیوں کو پر اثر کرتا تھا۔)

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