
Background Meaning in Urdu: تاریخچہ

Background, in Urdu, is known as “تاریخچہ” which refers to the historical or social context of a particular event or situation. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter by considering its past and surrounding circumstances.

Synonyms of Background:

  • History – تاریخ
  • Context – سیاق و سباق
  • Setting – ماحول
  • Environment – ماحول

Background Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of background in English is [bak-ground].


  • Foreground – سامنے
  • Focus – توجہ
  • Present – حاضری

Nearby Words:

  • Back – پیچھے (Noun)
  • Backbone – ریڑھ کی ہڈی (Noun)
  • Backfire – الٹ پھیر (Verb)
  • Backlash – مخالفت (Noun)

Origin of the word Background:

The word “background” originated from the combination of “back” and “ground.” It refers to the idea of something being in the background, behind the main focus or subject.

Example Sentences:

  1. His troubled childhood provided a background for his rebellious behavior. (اس کی پریشان بچپن نے اس کے بغاوت پسندانہ رویے کے لئے تاریخچہ فراہم کیا۔)
  2. The historical background of the conflict is essential to understand its complexities. (تنازع کے تاریخی پس منظر کو سمجھنا اس کی پیچیدگیوں کو سمجھنے کے لئے ضروری ہے۔)

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