
Astringent Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Synonyms

Astringent is an English word that has been borrowed from Latin. In Urdu, astringent can be translated as “سخت” (sakht), “کشیدہ” (kashida), or “کھٹا” (khata). It is an adjective that describes something that has a tightening or drying effect on tissues, often used in the context of medicine or skincare.

Synonyms of Astringent:

  • Tightening (سخت کرنے والا)
  • Drying (خشک کرنے والا)
  • Contracting (کم کرنے والا)
  • Styptic (خون روکنے والا)


The pronunciation of astringent in English is /əˈstrɪndʒənt/. However, in Urdu, it is commonly pronounced as “as-trin-jent” (آسٹرنجنٹ).


  • Loose (ڈھیلا)
  • Relaxing (آرام دہ)
  • Moisturizing (نم کرنے والا)
  • Expanding (بڑھانے والا)

Nearby Words:

  • Astringency (noun) – کشیدگی
  • Astringently (adverb) – سختی سے
  • Astringents (plural noun) – کشیدگی کرنے والا


The word “astringent” originated from the Latin word “astringentem,” which means “binding fast.” It entered the English language in the 16th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. Applying an astringent to the wound helped stop the bleeding. (زخم پر کشیدہ لگانے سے خون بہنا بند ہوگیا۔)
  2. The astringent taste of the unripe fruit made my mouth pucker. (کچے پھل کی کھٹی ٹھوک کی وجہ سے میرا منہ سکڑ گیا۔)

For more information about the word “astringent,” you can visit the following websites: