Asto Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings of Asto in Urdu
Asto is a word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of Asto in Urdu are:
- Meaning 1: ایک قسم کا پودا (aik qisam ka poda) – A type of plant
- Meaning 2: بہت زیادہ (bohat ziyada) – Very much
- Meaning 3: بہت سارا (bohat saara) – A lot of
Synonyms of Asto
Some synonyms of Asto in Urdu include:
- Bohat ziyada (بہت زیادہ)
- Bohat saara (بہت سارا)
- Kaafi (کافی)
Asto Pronunciation
The pronunciation of Asto in Urdu is as follows: [as-toh]
Antonyms of Asto
Antonyms of Asto in Urdu are:
- Meaning 1: کچھ نہیں (kuch nahi) – Nothing
- Meaning 2: کم (kam) – Less
- Meaning 3: تھوڑا (thoda) – Little
Nearby Words
Some nearby words of Asto in Urdu with their parts of speech and meanings are:
- Word 1: Astor (Noun) – ایک قسم کا پودا (aik qisam ka poda)
- Word 2: Astonish (Verb) – حیران کرنا (hairan karna)
- Word 3: Astound (Verb) – حیران کرنا (hairan karna)
Origin of the Word Asto
The word Asto has its origin in the Urdu language.
Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning
Here are some example sentences using the word Asto along with their Urdu meanings:
- Example 1: The garden is full of asto plants. (باغ میں ایک قسم کے پودے ہیں۔)
- Example 2: I am asto happy to see you. (میں تمہیں دیکھ کر بہت خوش ہوں۔)
- Example 3: There are asto many people at the party. (پارٹی میں بہت سارے لوگ ہیں۔)
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