
Assurances Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and More

Assurances, known as “Yaqeen” in Urdu, are promises or guarantees given to provide confidence and certainty. Here are a few meanings of assurances in Urdu:

Synonyms of Assurances:

  • Guarantee – ضمانت
  • Pledge – عہد
  • Promise – وعدہ
  • Security – حفاظت

Assurances Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of assurances in Urdu is “yaqeen” (یقین).


  • Doubt – شک
  • Insecurity – بے امانی
  • Suspicion – شبہ
  • Uncertainty – غیر یقینیت

Nearby Words:

  • Assure (verb) – یقین دلانا
  • Assured (adjective) – مضبوط
  • Assuring (adjective) – یقین دلانے والا
  • Assuror (noun) – ضامن

Origin of the Word Assurances:

The word “assurances” originated from the Latin word “assurare,” meaning “to make sure” or “to secure.”

Examples Sentences:

  1. He gave me assurances that he would complete the task. (وہ مجھے یقین دلایا کہ وہ کام مکمل کرے گا۔)
  2. Her assurances of loyalty were comforting. (وہ کی یقین دلانے کی تصدیقیں دل دہلا دینے والی تھیں۔)

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Assurances in Urdu, or “Yaqeen,” play a vital role in building trust and providing a sense of security. Understanding the various meanings, synonyms, and antonyms of assurances can help in effective communication and conveying confidence.

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