
Asset Meaning in Urdu: اثاثہ

An asset refers to something valuable or useful that an individual or organization possesses. It can be a physical object, property, or even a skill or quality that adds value. In Urdu, the word for asset is “اثاثہ”.

Synonyms of Asset:

  • مالیت (Wealth)
  • فائدہ (Benefit)
  • سرمایہ (Capital)

Asset Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of asset in English is /ˈæsɛt/. However, in Urdu, it is pronounced as “as-sa-tha”.


  • نقصان (Loss)
  • ضرر (Harm)
  • بدلہ (Liability)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Assert Verb دعویٰ کرنا (To claim)
Assessment Noun تشخیص (Evaluation)
Assign Verb تفویض کرنا (To delegate)

Origin of the Word:

The word “asset” originated from the Middle English word “asseet” which means “property”. It entered the English language in the late 16th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He considered his education as his greatest asset. (وہ اپنی تعلیم کو اپنا سب سے بڑا اثاثہ سمجھتا تھا۔)
  2. The company’s strong customer base is its most valuable asset. (کمپنی کا مضبوط گاہک بیس اس کا قیمتی ترین اثاثہ ہے۔)

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