
Aspires Meaning in Urdu: آرزو کرنا

Aspires is an English word that translates to “آرزو کرنا” in Urdu. It is a verb that signifies having a strong desire or ambition to achieve something. Aspires can also mean striving towards a goal or aiming for a particular outcome.

Synonyms of Aspires:

  • Desire – خواہش کرنا
  • Ambition – عزم
  • Yearn – تڑپنا
  • Crave – خواہش کرنا
  • Long – تڑپنا

Aspires Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of “aspires” is [uh-spahyuh rz] in English.


  • Reject – مسترد کرنا
  • Abandon – ترک کرنا
  • Give up – چھوڑ دینا
  • Disregard – نظرانداز کرنا
  • Ignore – نظرانداز کرنا

Nearby Words:

  • Aspire (verb) – آرزو کرنا
  • Aspirant (noun) – خواہش مند
  • Aspiration (noun) – آرزو
  • Aspirational (adjective) – آرزوئی
  • Aspired (verb) – آرزو کی

Origin of the Word Aspires:

The word “aspires” originated from the Latin word “aspirare,” which means “to breathe upon” or “to desire eagerly.” It entered the English language in the 17th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. She aspires to become a successful entrepreneur. (وہ کامیاب کاروباری بننے کی خواہش رکھتی ہے۔)
  2. He aspires to be a renowned scientist one day. (وہ ایک دن مشہور سائنسدان بننے کی خواہش رکھتا ہے۔)
  3. They aspired for a better future for their children. (انہوں نے اپنے بچوں کے لئے بہتر مستقبل کی خواہش کی۔)

For more information about the word “aspires,” you can visit the following links:

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