as piring

As Piring Meaning in Urdu: پیرنگ کا مطلب اردو میں

As Piring is a term used in Urdu language, which has multiple meanings. Some of the meanings of As Piring in Urdu are:

Meanings of As Piring in Urdu:

  • Meaning 1: پیرنگ کا مطلب اردو میں
  • Meaning 2: دھوکہ دینا
  • Meaning 3: بے وفائی کرنا

Synonyms of As Piring:

Some synonyms of As Piring in Urdu include:

  • دھوکہ دینا (Dhoka Dena)
  • بے وفائی کرنا (Be Wafaai Karna)
  • فریب دینا (Faraib Dena)

Antonyms of As Piring:

Antonyms of As Piring in Urdu are:

  • وفاداری کرنا (Wafaadari Karna) – Meaning: To be loyal
  • ایمانداری کرنا (Imaandari Karna) – Meaning: To be honest
  • سچائی کرنا (Sachai Karna) – Meaning: To tell the truth

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words to As Piring in Urdu with their parts of speech and meanings are:

  • Word 1: پیرنگ (Noun) – Meaning: Deception
  • Word 2: دھوکہ (Noun) – Meaning: Deceit
  • Word 3: بے وفائی (Noun) – Meaning: Disloyalty

Origin of the Word As Piring:

The origin of the word As Piring is from the Urdu language. It is derived from the word “Piring” which means deception or deceit.

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences using As Piring with their Urdu meanings:

  • He is known for his as piring nature. (وہ اپنی پیرنگ کی وجہ سے مشہور ہے۔)
  • She as pired her friends by lying to them. (اس نے دوستوں کو جھوٹ بول کر پیرنگ کی۔)
  • Never trust someone who has a history of as piring. (کبھی بھی ایسے شخص پر بھروسہ نہ کریں جو پیرنگ کا ریکارڈ رکھتا ہو۔)

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