as proposed

As Proposed Meaning in Urdu: ایسا پیش کیا گیا

As Proposed Pronunciation: [az pruh-pohzd]

As Proposed Meaning in Urdu: ایسا پیش کیا گیا

As Proposed Synonyms: suggested, recommended, suggested, put forward

As Proposed Antonyms: rejected (مسترد), opposed (مخالف)

Nearby Words:

  • As: preposition, conjunction, adverb (جیسا، کی طرح، جبکہ)
  • Proposed: adjective (پیش کیا گیا)
  • Meaning: noun (معنی)
  • In: preposition (میں)
  • Urdu: noun (اردو)

Origin of the Word As Proposed:

The word “proposed” is the past participle form of the verb “propose,” which originated from the Latin word “proponere” meaning “to put forward.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. As proposed by the committee, the new policy will be implemented next month. (جیسا کمیٹی کی طرف سے پیش کیا گیا ہے، نئی پالیسی اگلے مہینے لاگو کی جائے گی۔)
  2. The project, as proposed, aims to improve the quality of education in rural areas. (منصوبے کا مقصد، جیسا پیش کیا گیا ہے، دیہاتی علاقوں میں تعلیم کی معیار کو بہتر کرنا ہے۔)

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