aside from

Aside from Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation, Meanings, Synonyms, Antonyms, Nearby Words, and Origin

Aside from is a commonly used phrase in English that has various meanings and uses. In Urdu, aside from can be translated as “علاوہ” (ilawa) or “سواۓ” (siwaye). It is important to note that aside from does not require a heading tag in the first line, as it is not a heading itself.

Meanings in Urdu:

  • علاوہ (ilawa): Apart from, besides, except for
  • سواۓ (siwaye): Other than, in addition to

Synonyms of Aside From:

Some synonyms of aside from include:

  • Except for (بجز)
  • Besides (علاوہ)
  • Other than (سواۓ)
  • In addition to (مزید)

Antonyms with Meanings in Urdu:

  • Inclusive of (شامل)
  • Together with (ساتھ)
  • Along with (کے ساتھ)

Nearby Words with Parts of Speech and Urdu Meaning:

  • Aside (adverb) – الگ طور پر (alag tor par)
  • Ask (verb) – پوچھنا (poochna)
  • Asinine (adjective) – بےوقوف (bewaqoof)

Origin of the Word Aside From:

The phrase aside from originated from Middle English and has been in use since the 14th century. It combines the words “aside” and “from” to indicate exclusion or exception.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. Aside from English, she can speak Urdu fluently. (انگریزی کے علاوہ، وہ اردو بہت اچھی طرح بول سکتی ہے۔)
  2. He loves all fruits aside from bananas. (وہ کیلے کے علاوہ تمام پھلوں سے محبت کرتا ہے۔)
  3. Aside from the rain, the weather is perfect. (بارش کے علاوہ، موسم مکمل ہے۔)

For more information and detailed definitions, you can visit the following websites:

By understanding the meaning and usage of aside from in Urdu, you can enhance your language skills and communicate effectively in various contexts.

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