ashlar masonry

Ashlar Masonry: Meaning, Pronunciation, and Significance in Urdu

Ashlar masonry, pronounced as “ash-lar mas-uh-ner-ee,” is a construction technique that involves using finely cut and dressed rectangular stones to create a smooth and uniform wall surface. In Urdu, ashlar masonry is known as “آشلار میزنری” (ashlar masonry meaning in Urdu).

Meanings in Urdu:

  • آشلار میزنری: The technique of constructing walls using finely cut rectangular stones.
  • سنگ سفید: White stones used in ashlar masonry.
  • مستحکم دیوار: Strong and durable walls created through ashlar masonry.


Alternate terms for ashlar masonry include:

  • Stone masonry
  • Dressed stone construction
  • Smooth stone walling


Opposite terms to ashlar masonry are:

  • Rubble masonry (کچا میزنری): Construction using irregularly shaped stones.
  • Unfinished walls (ناتمام دیواریں): Walls without a smooth and uniform surface.

Nearby Words:

Related words to ashlar masonry include:

  • Construction (noun) – تعمیرات: The act or process of building something.
  • Stone (noun) – پتھر: A hard substance used in construction.
  • Technique (noun) – طریقہ: A method or approach used to accomplish a task.
  • Wall (noun) – دیوار: A vertical structure that encloses or divides an area.


The word “ashlar” originated from the Middle English term “asseler,” which means “a squared stone.” Masonry, on the other hand, comes from the Old French word “maçonnerie,” meaning “stone construction.” The combination of these terms gave rise to the phrase “ashlar masonry.”

Example Sentences:

  1. The ancient fort was built using ashlar masonry, resulting in a magnificent structure. (قدیم قلعہ آشلار میزنری کا استعمال کرکے بنایا گیا تھا، جس کی بناوٹ سے ایک شاندار عمارت بنی۔)
  2. The skilled masons meticulously crafted each stone for the ashlar masonry project. (ماہر میزن نے ہر پتھر کو آشلار میزنری کے منصوبے کے لئے بہت محنت سے تیار کیا۔)

For more information on ashlar masonry, you can visit the following websites: