
Ascetic Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Pronunciation

Ascetic is an English word that has been borrowed from the Greek word “askētikos,” meaning “rigorous” or “aesthetic.” In Urdu, ascetic can be translated into several meanings:

  1. زاہد (Zahid): A person who practices severe self-discipline and abstains from worldly pleasures.
  2. مرتھی (Murti): Someone who leads a simple and austere life, often for religious or spiritual reasons.
  3. تپسوی (Tapsvi): A person who engages in intense meditation and self-denial to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Synonyms: Zahid, Murti, Tapsvi


  • Worldly Pleasures: دنیاوی لطافات (Duniyawi Latafat)
  • Materialistic: مادی (Madi)
  • Hedonistic: لذت پرست (Lazzat Parast)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Asceticism Noun زہد و تقویٰ (Zuhd o Taqwa)
Ascetically Adverb زاہدانہ طور پر (Zahidanah Tor Par)
Asceticism Noun زہد و تقویٰ (Zuhd o Taqwa)

Origin of the Word Ascetic

The word ascetic originated from the Greek word “askētikos,” which means “rigorous” or “aesthetic.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century and has since been used to describe individuals who lead a life of self-discipline and abstention from worldly pleasures.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He adopted an ascetic lifestyle, renouncing all material possessions. (وہ نے زاہدانہ طرزِ زندگی اختیار کیا اور تمام مادی اشیاء سے انکار کر دیا۔)
  2. The ascetic spent hours in meditation, seeking spiritual enlightenment. (زاہد نے عبادت میں گزارے گئے گھنٹوں میں روحانی روشنی کی تلاش کی۔)
  3. She admired the ascetic for his unwavering dedication to his religious beliefs. (وہ اس زاہد کی تعریف کرتی تھی جس کی مذہبی عقائد پر غیر متزلزل عزم کا حوصلہ تھا۔)

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