
Ascended Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Ascended is a verb that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of ascended in Urdu are:

  1. بلند ہونا (to rise)
  2. اوپر چڑھنا (to climb up)
  3. اعلیٰ مقام پر پہنچنا (to reach a higher position)

Synonyms of Ascended:

Some synonyms of ascended in Urdu are:

  • بلند ہونا (to rise)
  • اوپر چڑھنا (to climb up)
  • اعلیٰ مقام پر پہنچنا (to reach a higher position)

Antonyms of Ascended:

Some antonyms of ascended in Urdu are:

  • نیچے گرنا (to descend)
  • نیچے اترنا (to come down)
  • کم ہونا (to decrease)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words of ascended with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Ascendancy (noun) – افضلیت
  • Ascendant (noun) – زندہ
  • Ascender (noun) – بلندی پانے والا

Origin of the Word Ascended:

The word “ascended” originated from the Latin word “ascendere” which means “to climb up”.

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences with Urdu meanings:

  1. He ascended the mountain to enjoy the breathtaking view. (وہ پہاڑ پر چڑھا تاکہ دلکش منظر کا لطف اٹھا سکے۔)
  2. The balloon slowly ascended into the sky. (بالون دھیرے دھیرے آسمان میں اوپر چڑھ گیا۔)
  3. She has ascended to the position of CEO in the company. (وہ کمپنی میں سی ای او کی حیثیت سے اعلیٰ مقام پر پہنچ گئی ہیں۔)

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