
Arum Meaning in Urdu: اروم

Arum is a noun that is pronounced as “air-uhm.” In Urdu, it is written as اروم. It has multiple meanings in Urdu, including:

Meanings of Arum in Urdu:

  • ایک پودا جس کے پتے بڑے ہوتے ہیں اور جو زمین میں بھی رہ سکتا ہے۔ (Aik poda jis ke patay baray hotay hain aur jo zameen mein bhi reh sakta hai) – A plant with large leaves that can also grow in the ground.
  • ایک قسم کا پودا جس کے پھول سفید ہوتے ہیں۔ (Aik qisam ka poda jis ke phool safed hotay hain) – A type of plant with white flowers.
  • ایک قسم کا پودا جس کے پھول سبز رنگ کے ہوتے ہیں۔ (Aik qisam ka poda jis ke phool sabz rang ke hotay hain) – A type of plant with green flowers.

Synonyms of Arum:

Some synonyms of Arum include:

  • Plantain
  • Wild calla
  • Arum lily

Antonyms of Arum:

Antonyms of Arum in Urdu with their meanings:

  • بے پھول (Be phool) – Flowerless
  • بے رنگ (Be rang) – Colorless

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to Arum with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Arum (noun) – اروم
  • Arum Lily (noun) – اروم للی
  • Arum Maculatum (noun) – اروم میکیولٹم
  • Arum Family (noun) – اروم خاندان

Origin of the Word Arum:

The word Arum originated from the Latin word “arum” which means “a kind of plant.” It was later adopted into English and other languages.

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  • The arum plant has large leaves. (اروم کا پودا بڑے پتے والا ہوتا ہے۔)
  • The arum lily blooms in spring. (اروم للی بہار میں کھلتی ہے۔)
  • The arum flower is green in color. (اروم کا پھول سبز رنگ کا ہوتا ہے۔)

For more information about Arum, you can visit the following websites:

Arum is a versatile plant with various meanings and synonyms. It is commonly found in gardens and has distinctive large leaves and beautiful flowers. Explore more about Arum to enhance your knowledge about this fascinating plant.