
Amply Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

The word “amply” is an adverb that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of “amply” in Urdu are:

1. کافی طور پر (kaafi tor par)

Meaning: Sufficiently or adequately

Example: وہ اپنے کام کو کافی طور پر پورا کرتا ہے۔ (He completes his work amply.)

2. بہت زیادہ (bohat zyada)

Meaning: Very much or excessively

Example: اس کتاب کی تعریف بہت زیادہ ہے۔ (The praise for this book is amply.)

3. کثرت سے (kasrat se)

Meaning: In abundance or plentifully

Example: اس میں کثرت سے مواد شامل ہیں۔ (It contains amply of material.)

Synonyms of Amply

Some synonyms of “amply” are:

  • Abundantly – بہت زیادہ (bohat zyada)
  • Plentifully – کثرت سے (kasrat se)
  • Sufficiently – کافی طور پر (kaafi tor par)
  • Ample – کافی (kaafi)

Antonyms of Amply

Some antonyms of “amply” with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • Insufficiently – ناکافی طور پر (nakafi tor par)
  • Sparingly – محدود طور پر (mahdood tor par)
  • Scarcely – کمی سے (kami se)
  • Barely – محض (muhazz)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to “amply” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Ample (adjective) – کافی (kaafi)
  • Amp (noun) – برقی آلہ (barqi aala)
  • Ampere (noun) – برقی رو (barqi ro)
  • Amphibian (noun) – دوزی (dozi)

Origin of the Word Amply

The word “amply” originated from the Latin word “amplus,” which means “large” or “abundant.” It entered the English language in the late 16th century.


In conclusion, “amply” is an adverb with various meanings in Urdu, including “کافی طور پر” (sufficiently), “بہت زیادہ” (very much), and “کثرت سے” (in abundance). It can be used to express adequacy, excessiveness, or abundance. Some synonyms of “amply” are “abundantly,” “plentifully,” and “sufficiently,” while antonyms include “insufficiently,” “sparingly,” and “scarcely.” The word “amply” has its origin in the Latin word “amplus,” meaning “large” or “abundant.” For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, and