
Articulate Meaning in Urdu: اظہار کرنا

Articulate is a verb that means to express or communicate thoughts, ideas, or feelings clearly and effectively. It is derived from the Latin word “articulatus,” which means “divided into joints or distinct parts.”

Meanings of Articulate in Urdu:

  • اظہار کرنا
  • واضح طور سے بیان کرنا
  • صاف طور سے بولنا

Synonyms of Articulate:

  • Express
  • Communicate
  • Enunciate
  • Utter
  • Speak

Antonyms of Articulate:

  • Mumble (بول چال میں گھٹنا)
  • Miscommunicate (غلط فہمی کرنا)
  • Stammer (ہکلانا)
  • Garble (بدل کر بیان کرنا)

Nearby Words:

  • Articulation (noun) – اظہار
  • Articulated (adjective) – واضح
  • Articulately (adverb) – صاف طور پر
  • Articulateness (noun) – صفائی

Origin of the Word Articulate:

The word “articulate” originated in the early 16th century from the Latin word “articulatus,” which is the past participle of “articulare” meaning “to divide into joints or distinct parts.” It was first used in the sense of expressing oneself clearly in the mid-18th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. She could articulate her thoughts eloquently. (وہ اپنے خیالات کو بہت خوبصورتی سے اظہار کرسکتی تھی۔)
  2. He struggled to articulate his emotions. (وہ اپنے جذبات کو بیان کرنے میں مشکل پیش آئے۔)
  3. The professor articulates complex concepts with ease. (استاد آسانی سے پیچیدہ تصورات کو واضح طور پر بیان کرتے ہیں۔)

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