
Arouse Meaning in Urdu: اٹھانا

Arouse is a verb that means to awaken, stimulate, or provoke a reaction or emotion in someone. It can also refer to the act of bringing something into action or causing it to happen. The pronunciation of arouse is [uh-rouz].

Meanings of Arouse in Urdu:

  • اٹھانا: To awaken or stir up.
  • جگانا: To rouse from sleep.
  • برجستہ کرنا: To stimulate or excite.

Synonyms of Arouse:

Stir, awaken, stimulate, provoke, excite, kindle, fire up.

Antonyms of Arouse:

  • سنبھالنا: To calm or soothe (Urdu: سنبھالنا).
  • دبانا: To suppress or repress (Urdu: دبانا).
  • سنبھالنا: To pacify or tranquilize (Urdu: سنبھالنا).

Nearby Words:

  • Arousal: (Noun) The state of being awake or excited (Urdu: ہوشیاری).
  • Aroused: (Adjective) Excited or stimulated (Urdu: برجستہ).
  • Arouser: (Noun) Someone or something that arouses (Urdu: جگانے والا).

Origin of the Word Arouse:

The word “arouse” originated from the Middle English word “arousen,” which means to awaken. It can be traced back to the Old French word “arroser” and the Latin word “ad-rosare,” both of which have similar meanings.

Example Sentences:

  1. He tried to arouse her from deep sleep. (وہ اسے گہری نیند سے اٹھانے کی کوشش کی۔)
  2. The speech aroused the crowd’s emotions. (تقریر نے لوگوں کی جذبات کو برجستہ کیا۔)
  3. She was aroused by the sudden noise. (اچانک شور سے وہ برجستہ ہوگئی۔)

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