argumentum ad hominem

Argumentum ad Hominem: Meaning and Pronunciation

Argumentum ad Hominem is a Latin phrase that translates to “argument against the person” in English. It is a logical fallacy where an argument is attacked by criticizing the person making the argument, rather than addressing the argument itself. The pronunciation of argumentum ad hominem is ar-gyoo-men-tuhm ad hoh-muh-nem.

Meanings of Argumentum ad Hominem in Urdu

  • تنقید شخصی: This translates to “personal criticism” in English.
  • شخصی حملہ: This means “personal attack” in English.
  • شخصی تنقید: This translates to “personal criticism” in English.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: personal attack, character assassination, ad hominem argument

Antonyms: logical argument, rational debate, constructive criticism

Nearby Words

  • Argument (Noun) – تجزیہ کرنا: A reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.
  • Adjective (Noun) – صفت: A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
  • Hominem (Noun) – انسان: A human being.

Origin of the Word

The term “argumentum ad hominem” originated in Latin and has been used in logic and debate since ancient times. It was first coined by Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, in his work “Rhetoric.” The fallacy gained prominence in the field of logic and continues to be relevant in modern discussions and debates.

Examples Sentences

  • He couldn’t counter my argument, so he resorted to argumentum ad hominem.
  • Instead of addressing the issue, the politician used argumentum ad hominem to attack his opponent’s personal life.

For more information on argumentum ad hominem, you can visit the following websites:

Remember, understanding logical fallacies like argumentum ad hominem can help improve critical thinking and promote more effective communication.