
Argosy: Meaning and Pronunciation in Urdu

Argosy is a noun that is pronounced as “ahr-guh-see” in English. In Urdu, it is written as “ارگوسی” and pronounced as “ar-go-see”.

Meanings of Argosy in Urdu

1. بڑی تجارتی جہاز (bari tijarti jahaaz) – a large commercial ship

2. بڑی تجارتی کمپنی (bari tijarti company) – a large commercial company

3. بڑی تجارتی کاروان (bari tijarti kaarwan) – a large commercial caravan

Synonyms of Argosy

1. Ship – جہاز (jahaaz)

2. Vessel – بحری جہاز (buhri jahaaz)

3. Fleet – جہازوں کا ٹکڑا (jahaazon ka tukra)

Antonyms of Argosy

1. Small – چھوٹا (chhota)

2. Individual – انفرادی (infaradi)

3. Independent – آزاد (aazaad)

Nearby Words

1. Argonaut – ارگوناٹ (argonaut) – Noun – a person who is engaged in a dangerous but rewarding quest; an adventurer.

2. Argon – ارگن (argon) – Noun – a chemical element with the symbol Ar and atomic number 18.

3. Argosies – ارگوسیز (argosies) – Noun – plural form of argosy.

Origin of the Word Argosy

The word “argosy” originated from the Middle English word “argosi” which came from the Old French word “argousin” meaning “merchant ship.” It was later influenced by the name of the city of Argos in Greece, known for its maritime trade.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The argosy sailed across the vast ocean. (ارگوسی بڑے سمندر پار سفر کیا۔)

2. The company’s success was built on a fleet of argosies. (کمپنی کی کامیابی ارگوسیوں کی ایک ٹکڑی پر مبنی تھی۔)

3. The merchant joined the argosy to expand his trade. (تاجر نے اپنے تجارت کو بڑھانے کے لئے ارگوسی میں شامل ہو گیا۔)

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