
Arete Meaning in Urdu: ارتی

Arete is a Greek word that has made its way into the English language. It is pronounced as “uh-rey-tee” and is used to describe excellence or virtue. In Urdu, the word “ارتی” can be translated into several meanings, including:

  • معیار (standard)
  • کمال (perfection)
  • فضیلت (virtue)

Synonyms of Arete:

There are several synonyms for arete, which include:

  • Excellence – برتری
  • Virtue – فضیلت
  • Merit – اہلیت
  • Quality – کیفیت

Antonyms of Arete:

On the other hand, antonyms of arete include:

  • Mediocrity – عامیت (meaning in Urdu: aamiat)
  • Imperfection – ناکمالیت (meaning in Urdu: nakamalat)
  • Vice – بدکاری (meaning in Urdu: badkari)
  • Flaw – خامی (meaning in Urdu: khami)

Origin of the Word Arete:

The word arete originated from ancient Greek philosophy and was used to describe the qualities of excellence and virtue in individuals. It has since been adopted into the English language and is commonly used to refer to exceptional qualities or achievements.

Examples Sentences:

Here are a few examples of sentences using the word arete along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. She has achieved great arete in her academic career. (وہ اپنی تعلیمی کیریئر میں عظیم کمال حاصل کر چکی ہے۔)
  2. His arete as a musician is widely recognized. (اس کی موسیقاری کی فضیلت وسیع دائرے میں معترف ہے۔)
  3. They strive for arete in everything they do. (وہ ہر کام میں کمال کی خاطر محنت کرتے ہیں۔)

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