
Ardor Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Origin

Ardor, pronounced as “ahr-der,” is a noun that signifies intense passion, enthusiasm, or fervor towards something. In Urdu, it is known as “جوش” (josh), “حمیت” (hameyat), or “شوق” (shauq).

Synonyms of Ardor:

  • Zeal – جوش (josh)
  • Passion – حمیت (hameyat)
  • Enthusiasm – ولولہ (walwala)
  • Fervor – شوق (shauq)

Antonyms of Ardor:

  • Apathy – بے دلی (be-dili)
  • Indifference – بے پرواہی (be-parwahi)
  • Coldness – سردی (sardi)
  • Disinterest – بے دلی (be-dili)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Ardently Adverb جوش سے (josh se)
Ardent Adjective جوشیلا (joshila)
Ardently Adverb جوش سے (josh se)

Origin of the Word Ardor:

The word “ardor” originated from the Latin word “ardere,” meaning “to burn.” It entered the English language in the 14th century, representing the intense heat of passion or desire.

Examples Sentences:

  1. His ardor for music was evident in his soulful performance. (اس کی موسیقی کے لئے جوش کا اظہار اس کے روحانی اداکاری میں ظاہر تھا۔)
  2. The team played with great ardor and won the championship. (ٹیم نے بڑے جوش و خروش کے ساتھ کھیل کر چیمپئن شپ جیت لی۔)
  3. She pursued her dreams with unwavering ardor. (وہ اپنے خوابوں کو بے لچک جوش کے ساتھ پیروی کی۔)

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