
Affront Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Affront is pronounced as uh-fruhnt. In Urdu, it is known as توہین (touheen), تحقیر (tahqeer), or بے عزتی (be izti).

Origin of the Word Affront

The word “affront” originated from the Middle English word “afronten,” which means “to strike on the forehead” or “to slap.” It was derived from the Old French word “afront,” which has the same meaning. The term gradually evolved to encompass the idea of insulting or offending someone.

Synonyms of Affront

Some synonyms of affront include insult, offense, indignity, slight, provocation, and outrage.


The antonyms of affront in Urdu are احترام (ihtiram), توجہ (tawajjah), and عزت (izzat).

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to affront are:

  • Verb: Insult (توہین کرنا), Offend (اچانک حملہ کرنا), Disrespect (توہین کرنا)
  • Noun: Insult (توہین), Offense (توہین), Disgrace (بے عزتی)
  • Adjective: Insulting (توہین آمیز), Offensive (توہین آمیز), Disrespectful (توہین آمیز)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using the word “affront” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. He felt affronted when she insulted his intelligence. (وہ محسوس کرتا تھا کہ جب اس نے اس کی عقل پر توہین کی)
  2. The disrespectful behavior of the guest was an affront to the host. (مہمان کا بے عزتی آمیز رویہ میزبان کے لئے توہین تھا)
  3. She took his comments as a personal affront. (وہ اس کے تبصرے کو اپنی شخصی توہین سمجھتی تھی)


To learn more about the word “affront,” you can visit the following websites:

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