
Arcane Meaning in Urdu: A Hidden World of Mystery and Intrigue

Arcane, pronounced as “ahr-keyn,” is an adjective that refers to something mysterious, secret, or understood by only a few. In Urdu, arcane can be translated as “رازدار” (razdaar), “پوشیدہ” (posheeda), or “خفیہ” (khufiya).

Synonyms of Arcane

  • Enigmatic – “پیچیدہ” (paicheeda)
  • Obscure – “مبہم” (mubham)
  • Mystical – “عجیب” (ajeeb)
  • Esoteric – “خفیہ” (khufiya)

Antonyms of Arcane

  • Evident – “ظاہر” (zahir)
  • Transparent – “شفاف” (shafaaf)
  • Clear – “واضح” (wazeh)
  • Obvious – “واضح” (wazeh)

Nearby Words

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Arc Noun تیر
Arcade Noun راستہ
Arcane Adjective رازدار
Arch Adjective باڑ

Origin of the Word Arcane

The word “arcane” originated from the Latin word “arcanus,” meaning secret or hidden. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • The ancient manuscript contained arcane knowledge. (قدیم مخطوطہ میں خفیہ علم تھا۔)
  • She possessed an arcane ability to predict the future. (اس کے پاس مستقبل کا خفیہ حس تھا۔)
  • The magician performed arcane rituals to summon spirits. (جادوگر نے خفیہ رسموں کو استعلام کرنے کے لئے جادو کیا۔)

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