
Apportion Meaning in Urdu: انتساب کرنا

Apportion is a verb that means to distribute or allocate something in a fair and proportional manner. In Urdu, the meaning of apportion is انتساب کرنا. It is pronounced as “in’tisab karna” in Urdu.

Synonyms of Apportion:

  • Allocate – تقسیم کرنا
  • Distribute – تقسیم کرنا
  • Assign – تفویض کرنا
  • Divide – تقسیم کرنا

Antonyms of Apportion:

  • Collect – جمع کرنا
  • Combine – ملانا
  • Unite – متحد کرنا
  • Keep – رکھنا

Nearby Words:

  • Appoint (verb) – تقرر کرنا
  • Apportionment (noun) – تقسیم
  • Apportionable (adjective) – تقسیم پذیر
  • Apportioning (noun) – تقسیم

Origin of the Word Apportion:

The word “apportion” originated from the Latin word “apportionare” which means “to divide into portions”. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The committee will apportion the funds among the various projects. (کمیٹی منصوبوں کے مختلف پروجیکٹس میں رقم تقسیم کرے گی۔)
  2. The teacher will apportion the tasks equally among the students. (اسٹوڈنٹس کے درمیان کام برابر تقسیم کرے گا۔)

For more information about the word “apportion”, you can visit the following websites:

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