
Appendixes Meaning in Urdu: اضافیں

Appendixes, pronounced as /əˈpɛnˌdɪsɪz/, is the plural form of the word appendix. In Urdu, it is translated as “اضافیں” which means additional or supplementary parts or sections.

Synonyms of Appendixes:

  • Supplements – تکمیلیں
  • Additions – اضافے
  • Attachments – منسلکہ

Antonyms of Appendixes:

  • Omissions – حذف
  • Exclusions – خارج
  • Deletions – مٹانے

Nearby Words:

  • Append – (verb) – منسلک کریں
  • Appendage – (noun) – منسلکہ
  • Appendant – (noun) – منسلک

Origin of the Word Appendixes:

The word “appendix” originated from Latin, where it means “an addition” or “supplement.” It is derived from the verb “appendere,” which means “to hang upon” or “to attach.”

Example Sentences:

  1. She added several appendixes to her research paper. (وہ اپنے تحقیقی کاغذ میں کئی اضافیں شامل کرتی رہی۔)
  2. The book includes helpful appendixes for further reading. (کتاب میں مزید پڑھنے کے لئے مفید اضافیں شامل ہیں۔)

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