
Appease Meaning in Urdu: اطمینان دلانا

Appease is a verb that means to bring peace, calm, or satisfaction to someone or to pacify them. In Urdu, the meaning of appease is اطمینان دلانا. It is pronounced as “itminan dilana” in Urdu.

Synonyms of Appease:

  • Satisfy – تسلی
  • Pacify – پرسکون کرنا
  • Placate – منانا
  • Assuage – سکونت دلانا

Antonyms of Appease:

  • Aggravate – بڑھانا (Barhana)
  • Provoke – اشتعال پیدا کرنا (Istiaal Paida Karna)
  • Infuriate – غصہ دلانا (Gussa Dilana)
  • Antagonize – دشمنی کرنا (Dushmani Karna)

Nearby Words:

  • Appeal (Noun) – عرض (Arz)
  • Appetite (Noun) – خواہش (Khwaahish)
  • Apparatus (Noun) – آلہ (Aala)
  • Apparent (Adjective) – واضح (Wazeh)

Origin of the Word:

The word “appease” originated from the Old French word “apaisier” which means “to bring peace to.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He tried to appease his angry boss by completing the project ahead of schedule. (وہ اپنے غصے والے بوس کو خوش کرنے کی کوشش کی، پروجیکٹ کو مقررہ وقت سے پہلے مکمل کرکے۔)
  2. The government announced measures to appease the protesting farmers. (حکومت نے احتجاج کرنے والے کسانوں کو خوش کرنے کے اقدامات کا اعلان کیا۔)

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