
Apparitions: Meaning and Pronunciation in Urdu

Apparitions, pronounced as “ap-uh-rish-uhnz,” refers to supernatural or ghostly appearances that are believed to be real or imagined. In Urdu, the word “apparitions” can be translated into multiple meanings:

Meanings of Apparitions in Urdu:

  • روحانی نظر آنا (Roohani Nazar Aana) – To have a spiritual vision
  • بھوت (Bhoot) – Ghost
  • عجیب و غریب چیز (Ajeep o Ghareeb Cheez) – Strange or extraordinary thing

Synonyms of Apparitions:

1. Ghosts – بھوت (Bhoot)

2. Specters – پریت (Preet)

3. Phantoms – پریت (Preet)

Antonyms of Apparitions:

1. Reality – حقیقت (Haqeeqat)

2. Tangibility – محسوس پذیری (Mehsoos Pazeeri)

3. Certainty – یقین (Yaqeen)

Nearby Words:

1. Apparitional (Adjective) – روحانی (Roohani)

2. Apparitional (Noun) – روحانی شخصیت (Roohani Shakhsiyat)

3. Apparitional (Adverb) – روحانی طور پر (Roohani Tor Par)

Origin of the Word Apparitions:

The word “apparitions” originated from the Latin word “apparitio,” meaning “an appearance” or “to appear.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Example Sentences:

1. I saw strange apparitions in the haunted house. (میں نے بھوتوں کو ہنسنے والے گھر میں دیکھا)

2. The villagers claimed to have witnessed the apparition of a saint. (گاؤں والوں نے دعویٰ کیا کہ وہ ایک ولی کی روحانی نظر دیکھیں ہیں)

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