
Apparatuses Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Pronunciation, and Usage

Apparatuses, pronounced as “uh-puh-rat-uh-seez,” is the plural form of the noun apparatus. In Urdu, apparatuses can be translated into multiple meanings, including:

  1. آلات (aalaat) – referring to tools or equipment
  2. سازوسامان (saz-o-saman) – denoting instruments or machinery
  3. تجهیزات (tajheezat) – indicating devices or appliances

Synonyms of Apparatuses:

1. Tools – آلات (aalaat)

2. Equipment – سازوسامان (saz-o-saman)

3. Instruments – آلات (aalaat)

Antonyms of Apparatuses:

1. Inefficiency – بے تکا (be-taka)

2. Inadequacy – ناکافی (na-kaafi)

3. Disorganization – بے ترتیبی (be-tarteebi)

Nearby Words:

1. Apparatus (Noun) – آلہ (aala)

2. Apparatus (Verb) – تیار کرنا (tayyar karna)

3. Apparatuses (Noun) – آلات (aalaat)

Origin of the Word Apparatuses:

The word “apparatus” originated from Latin, where it meant “equipment” or “tools.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century and has been used to refer to a collection of tools or equipment ever since.

Examples Sentences:

1. He used various apparatuses to conduct the scientific experiment. (وہ نے سائنسی تجربے کرنے کے لئے مختلف آلات استعمال کیے)

2. The firefighters arrived with their firefighting apparatuses. (فائر فائٹرز اپنے آگ بجھانے کے آلاتوں کے ساتھ پہنچ گئے)

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