
Antiseptic Meaning in Urdu: اینٹی سیپٹک

Antiseptic is a noun that refers to a substance that prevents the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. It is commonly used to clean wounds and prevent infection. In Urdu, antiseptic can be translated as اینٹی سیپٹک.

Meanings in Urdu:

  • روکنے والا (Roknay Wala)
  • جراثیم کش (Jarasim Kash)
  • ضد عفونت (Zidd-e-Afounat)

Synonyms of Antiseptic:

  • Disinfectant – جراثیم کش (Jarasim Kash)
  • Sterilizer – تعفیر کنندہ (Ta’feer Kanda)
  • Sanitizer – صحت بخش (Sehat Bakhsh)


  • Infectious – متعفن (Muta’afan)
  • Contaminated – آلودہ (Alooda)
  • Dirty – گندہ (Gandah)

Nearby Words:

  • Antibacterial (Adjective) – جراثیم کش (Jarasim Kash)
  • Antibiotic (Noun) – جراثیم کش دوا (Jarasim Kash Dawa)
  • Antidote (Noun) – مسمومی کا علاج (Masmoomi Ka Ilaaj)

Origin of the Word Antiseptic:

The word antiseptic originated from the Greek words “anti” meaning “against” and “septikos” meaning “putrefying.” It was first used in the medical field in the 19th century to describe substances that prevent infection.

Example Sentences:

  1. Apply antiseptic to the wound to prevent infection. (زخم پر اینٹی سیپٹک لگائیں تاکہ انفیکشن سے بچا رہے)
  2. The doctor used antiseptic to sterilize the surgical instruments. (ڈاکٹر نے سرجیکل آلات کو تعفیر کرنے کے لئے اینٹی سیپٹک استعمال کیا)
  3. Make sure to clean the area with antiseptic before applying the bandage. (پٹی لگانے سے پہلے اینٹی سیپٹک سے جگہ صاف کریں)

For more information about antiseptic, you can visit the following websites: